Friday, July 30, 2010


Photography friends... please be aware that I will now start using this as a crafting blog as well as a photography blog. Therefore some of the pictures may not be the greatest because I am snapping them quickly as I move along through a project.
I was lucky enough to have inherited some of the creativity both of my parents possess. My dad is an amazing photographer, artist and craftsman while my mom can paint, draw and craft better than most people I know. I have always dreamed of having my own little art studio filled with everything you can find at Hobby Lobby. Until then this is what I have...

It is just right for me..

for now.

It doubles as the cat's litterbox room, my husbands closet/dresser room and a guest room. As well as a catch all for anything else we may need a room for. But when need be, it is all mine.
However, when I want to sew this is what I look like...

Awesome huh?Do you love my fuzzy socks I have to wear to stay warm in the subzero temperatures my husband keeps our house?

Oh, I also have my laptop in the room as my jukebox.

I end up with a very sore back after a day/night of sewing.

The project I was working on in that picture is the first one I would like to showcase. My mother-in-law works at the Post Office, and no, she has never gone postal. Yet.

She wears this Apron while at work:

You may notice the spot towards the top that is darker and wearing out plus the strap coming loose on the left side. She is about 5 feet tall and this apron can be a bit long on her, so she asked me to cut off the bottom and make some small pockets at the top to cover the spot. So Here is what I did:

I cut off the bottom of the apron, making sure I would have enough fabric for the pockets I needed to create. I realized that I didn't leave enough room for a finished hem.. so it looked kind of horrible, but she didn't mind :)

After cutting and hemming the bottom I started in on pocket. I also decided there was enough excess fabric to put a stabilizing piece on the back.

I put a nice finished edge around the whole pocket piece then sewed the side and bottom edges onto the apron itself. Since she wanted two pockets on the top I put a simple stitch right down the middle and voila! a new apron all together! It is about 10 inches shorter and has two extra pockets!


I had a lot of fun with this project. However, I don't think I have ever used so many pins before in my life. Took me forever! I must say that this was on a Sunday and my amazing husband cooked some amazing rib-eye while I was doing this.. and just to make you drool.....

I had the one on the right.


Even the cat couldn't resist the wonderful aroma of grilled steak marinated in garlic and teriyaki...

That's all for tonight!!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Reese's Modeling

Money sucks.. and without it you have slow internet... and slow internet prevents me from doing mass uploads of pictures.

finally, I have the cat pictures I have promised.

This is my needy, yet adorable, cat Reese. Named for her coloring that reminds me of a Reese's peanut butter cup. Her coloring is that of a tortoiseshell cat, torti for short, which is calico without the white. She has the prominent two-faced look that most torties have, but in my opinion her's is one of the neatest I have seen..

so without further ado...





Recently, she has had a bit of an eye infection
but I still let her out to play. When she was at my mom's house she was able to go outside as much as she wanted to. Here in Richmond i am afraid she will get lost so she gets supervised visits to the outdoors. Here is one of her little rendezvous outside the house.


Begging to be let outdoors



...and my favorite, because her tongue is sticking out...


Mostly she liked playing amongst the
and laying against the house. I can never resist hanging outside in all of my flowers and in the sun with my cute, cuddly cat :)

I'm out!